CambodiaPostcode Query
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Svay Ta Ni, 14351, Boeng Preah, Ba Phnum, Prey Veng: 14351


Address and Postcode
Title :Svay Ta Ni, 14351, Boeng Preah, Ba Phnum, Prey Veng
City :Svay Ta Ni
Region 3 :Boeng Preah
Region 2 :Ba Phnum
Region 1 :Prey Veng
Country :Cambodia(KH)
Postcode (ZIP) :14351

Other Information
Language :English (EN)
Region Code (ISO2) :KH-14
Latitude :
Longitude :
Time Zone (TZ) :Asia/Phnom_Penh
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) :UTC+7
Daylight Saving Time (DST) : Yes (Y)

Svay Ta Ni, 14351, Boeng Preah, Ba Phnum, Prey Veng is located in Cambodia. Its zip code is 14351.

The others being queried
Svay Ta Ni, 14351, Boeng Preah, Ba Phnum, Prey Veng,14351 ©2024 Postcode Query